


Ancestries represent the lineage of a character that affects their physical appearance. That being said, any character might also possess characteristics that do not fall within what is “standard” or “average” within an ancestry. Each individual within an ancestry will also view the world from a different perspective. For example, one elf might believe they have quite large ears in relation to their siblings, but a Firbolg could find them proportionally small compared to their own.

We hope this provides you with a window into the various physicalities of the creatures that populate Daggerheart. As you continue to play and meet members of each ancestry, you’ll have the opportunity to learn about the nuances and unique qualities among them. You’ll also notice that within the world of Daggerheart, the term “people” is used to refer to all ancestries. They each possess unique characteristics and cultures, as well as personhood.

Each Ancestry has one or more Ancestry Features, a unique move or set of moves that are granted to them by their ancestry and can be utilized in play. Some are spells or abilities that can be activated during a session, while others are passive bonuses or unique downtime moves.

If you’d like to make a character that combines more than one ancestry, see “Mixed Ancestry” at the end of this section.