
Faction Relationships

Faction Relationships

In a Five Banners Burning campaign, use a campaign sheet to track the relationships between the nations as well as their major assets and problems. Each nation has a relationship rating with each other nation, ranging from Nemeses (-3) to Close Allies (+3). The more intense the relationship, the more the nation will act for or against the other nation even at risk to themselves. Nations that are Friendly (+1) will render help if it does not require much effort or risk, but nations that are Nemeses (-3) will go out on a limb just to see one another suffer.

For example:


Relationships: Enemies (-2) with Hilltop, Allies (+2) with Jesthaen, Friendly (+1) with Polaris, Unfriendly (-1) with Voldaen.

Assets: Large and powerful navy, superior maps of ocean & wind currents, allied water monsters

Problems: Small land area, no overland access to the main continent, lingering reputation as pirates/thieves.

Major Objectives: Build friendly port infrastructure in Voldaen/Polaris for trade

Minor Objectives: Acquire airship technology, deploy privateers against adversaries.