Long Rest
A long rest is when player characters are able to make camp, relax for a few hours, and get some sleep. Each player may swap any domain cards in their loadout for any in their vault, then choose two moves below (or choose the same move twice).
Tend to All Wounds
Describe how you patch yourself up and remove all marked Hit Points. You may do this on an ally instead.
Clear All Stress
Describe how you blow off steam or pull yourself together, and clear all marked Stress.
Repair All Armor
Describe how you spend time repairing your armor and clear all of its Armor Slots. You may do this to an ally’s armor instead.
Describe how you are preparing for the next day’s adventure, then gain a Hope. If you choose to Prepare with one or more members of your party, you each gain two Hope.
Work on a Project
Establish or continue work on a project (see “Working on a Project in Downtime”).
Working on a Project in Downtime
If a PC wants to pursue a project that would take a substantial amount of time but progress can be made during a long rest, they should first discuss it with the GM. This could involve deciphering an ancient text, crafting a new weapon, or something else. Projects will usually involve a Progress Countdown (see “Countdown” in chapter 3). Each time a PC takes the Work on a Project downtime move during a long rest, they might automatically tick down the countdown, or the GM might will tell them how much or ask them to make an action roll to gauge their progress.
For more information on projects, see “Using Downtime” in chapter 3.