Refreshing Features During Downtime
When you take a short or long rest, this can refresh your ability to use some of your features, and it can end some temporary effects:
- At the end of a short rest, you end any effects that last until a short rest, and you regain the use of any features that can be used a number of times per short rest.
- At the end of a long rest, you end any effects that last until a long rest, and you regain the use of any features that can be used a number of times per long rest. Additionally, a long rest counts as a short rest for these effects, so if a move lets you use it once per short rest, you can refresh it after a long rest.
“Once Per Session” Features
Some features might also say you can use them “once per session.” These do not refresh during rests, but instead are available again at the start of the next session. If your table decides to play a long session, the GM might decide that all “once per session” abilities are refreshed during a break instead.