


Created by John Stavropoulos, this is a tool that allows any player (including the GM) to remove content from the game. This traditionally appears in the form of a physical card, marked with a large letter X, and placed within reach of all players at the table. That said, your table could use a designated item, someone creating an x with their arms, or other symbol that feels best to the group.

To utilize the X-Card, a player only needs to tap the paper (or hold up crossed arms, etc.) and note the moment of play they wish to “rewind” to. It can be helpful to note the detail they’re flagging for removal, but this is not a requirement for using the tool. The group will simply go back to the designated moment and play forward, making a new choice.

There are a few important details about the X-Card worth flagging:

  • When a player X-Cards a moment of play, they do not need to explain their reasoning, and the process of using this safety tool should not impose that on any player. If someone wishes to go into more detail, the table may break for group or private discussion as needed.
  • The X-Card should not be designated as a tool of last resort. No player should feel they need to sit in discomfort until the stakes become too high. Using the X-Card is not an offense, and having the X-Card used during your moment of improv does not inherently mean you made a grievous mistake in play.
  • Encouraging use of the X-Card in your game is often just as important as the X-Card itself. Setting up a table with safety tools establishes a culture of caring and helps make the game fun for everyone.