
Elite Soldier

Elite Soldier

Elite Soldier

Description: An armored squire or experienced commoner looking to advance.

Motives & Tactics: Gain Glory, Make Alliances, Support Their Knight

Tier: 2

Type: Standard

Difficulty: 15

Attack Modifier: +1

Spear: Very Close | 2d4+4 phy

Major 9 | Severe 18

HP: 4

Stress: 3


Vassal’s Loyalty - Reaction

When a Knight or other noble would take damage, if the Elite Soldier is within Very Close range of the noble, mark a Stress and the Elite Soldier moves into melee to take the damage instead. “They leap to their liege’s defense, throwing their body on your blow.”

Reinforce - Action

Mark a Stress to move up to a Close distance to melee range of an ally. Make an attack against a very close target. On a success, deal 2d10+10 phy damage and clear a Stress on that Close ally. “The soldier runs up to join the fight, stabbing with ferocity and bolstering their ally.”