
Pirate Captain

Pirate Captain

Pirate Captain

Description: A charismatic sea dog with an impressive hat, eager to raid and plunder.

Motives & Tactics: Command, Raid, Plunder, Make ‘em Walk the Plank

Tier: 1

Type: Leader

Difficulty: 14

Attack Modifier: +4

Cutlass: Melee | 2d8 phy

Major 7 | Severe 14

HP: 7

Stress: 5


Sailor + 3

Commander + 2


Swashbuckler - Passive

Any incoming damage below 14 causes the attacker to mark a Stress. “You begin to realize: you might not win this fight.”

Reinforcements - Action

Mark a Stress to summon a Pirate Raiders Horde that enters at Far range. This can only be done once per scene. “The captain whistles, and more pirates pour out from the ship’s hold.”

No Quarter - Action

Spend a Fear to choose a target who has more than two pirates within melee range of them. The Captain leads the pirates in hurling threats and promises of a watery grave. The target must make a PresenceReaction Roll or suffer 1d4+1 Stress. They still mark a Stress on a success. “This is a battle of blades and of insults, it seems.”

A charismatic sea dog with an impressive hat, eager to raid and plunder.