
Red Ooze

Red Ooze

Red Ooze

Description: A moving mound of translucent flaming red slime.

Motives & Tactics: Ignite, Start fires, Camouflage, Consume & Multiply

Tier: 1

Type: Skulk

Difficulty: 10

Attack Modifier: +1

Ooze Appendage: Melee | 2d6+3 mag

Major 6 | Severe 11

HP: 5

Stress: 3


Camouflage +3


Creeping Fire - Action

This adversary can only move Very Close range when it activates. It lights any flammable object it touches on fire. “It creeps towards you, the ground around it erupting into flames.”

Ignite - Action

Make an attack against a target in Very Close range. On a success, they burst into flames, taking 1d8+1 mag damage immediately and 2d4+2 direct magic damage every time a token is placed on the action tracker. This ends when they are extinguished with a Finesse Roll (14). “You feel fire at your feet, and suddenly, you’re engulfed.”

Split - Reaction

When this adversary marks its 3rd Hit Point, spend a Fear to split it into two Tiny Red Oozes (with no marked Hit Points or Stress). They may immediately activate without spending tokens. “You watch as the damage you’ve done splits it in half… becoming two oozes instead of one.”

A moving mound of translucent flaming red slime.