


Being part of an Underborne community means that you’re from a subterranean society.

Many Underborne live right beneath the cities and villages of other collectives, while some live much deeper. These communities range from small family groups in burrows, to massive metropolises in caverns of stone. In many locales, Underborne are recognized for their incredible boldness and skill that enable great feats of architecture and engineering. Underborne are regularly hired for their bravery, as even the least daring among them is likely to have encountered a number of belowground beasts in their daily lives, and learning to dispatch such creatures is common practice amongst these societies. Because of the danger of their environment, many Underborne communities develop unique non-verbal languages that may prove equally useful on the surface.

Underborne individuals are often: composed, elusive, indomitable, innocative, unpretentious, resourceful.


Low-Light Living: When you are in an area with low light or heavy shadow, you have advantage on rolls to hide, investigate, or perceive details within that area.


Being part of an Underborne community means that you’re from a subterranean society.

Low-Light Living: When you are in an area with low light or heavy shadow, you have advantage on rolls to hide, investigate, or perceive details within that area.
