


Your Community describes the culture or environment your character grew up in. Though it’s likely they were a member of numerous communities during their upbringing, this choice represents the one they feel influenced their personality and current skillset most. Like ancestry, describing the characteristics of a collective is nuanced, as people always view others through the lens of their own experience. For example, while a Seaborne sailor might feel their own community is particularly strict, a character from an Orderborne metropolis might find that group very changeable. An individual’s relationship with their community also creates a wide variety of experiences. If your character has fallen out with the place or people that defined their upbringing, they may continue to carry that influence but might be on a quest to live differently than they were taught.

As you explore the following communities, imagine the variety of ways they might manifest in your game. Some community cards reference locations, others an ethos, and still others a common goal. But no two places that fall under the same category are the same. If one Wanderborne caravan travels the world willingly and another was expelled from their home by force, both the material trappings and someone’s feelings about their lifestyle would be very different.

When you build your character, you may be inspired by the details from communities different from the one you’ve chosen to play. As always, this aspect of the game is meant to be utilized in the way that best serves your group’s game.

Each Community has a Community Feature, a unique move or set of moves that are granted to them by their community and can be utilized in play. Some are spells or abilities that can be activated during a session, while others are passive bonuses or unique downtime moves.

Each community entry suggests several adjectives, which you can use as inspiration when crafting a character. If you’d like to, choose one or more of these words (or roll a d6) to help develop your character’s personality, relationship with their upbringing or peers, or even the flavor with which they interact with the rest of their party.