Fungrils resemble a mushroom in humanoid form.
Because of this, their appearance can vary wildly: they may be anywhere from about 2 feet to 7 feet tall, and either more humanoid or more fungal in appearance. They come in an assortment of colors, from earth tones to bright reds, yellows, purples, and blues. Their physical forms are non-standardized, resulting in an incredible variety of bodies, faces, and limbs. While the common lifespan of a fungril is about 300 years, some are reported to live much longer. Though they can vocalize or communicate nonverbally, many members of this ancestry use a mycelial array to chemically exchange information with other fungrils across long distances.
Fungril Network: You can make an Instinct Roll (12) to speak with others of your ancestry across any distance using your mycelial array.
Death Connection: While touching a corpse that died recently, you can mark a Stress to extract one memory related to a specific emotion or sensation.
Fungrils naturally grow a fungus or mushroom cap on their head and body. These caps can grow into any type of appearance. Some fungril have cap while other have many. Caps can also be modified or forced to grow into particular shapes. Fungril caps continuously grow over time much like hair on humans. Because of this fungril will often need to trim and shape their caps for their comfort. When fungril age their caps tend to grow very large. As a result the cap can become heavy and restrictive without proper care. Fungril caps often get damaged or cut, especially when adventuring. Damaged caps will naturally regrow back to thier normal shape with enough time and care. Fungril decorate, cut and shape their caps as a means of self expression. To fungril this is no different than a human styling hair. Fungril tend to have very human like appearances but certain limbs may appear less human such as hands, feet, noses, etc…
Fungrils resemble a mushroom in humanoid form.
Fungril Network: You can make an Instinct Roll (12) to speak with others of your ancestry across any distance using your mycelial array.
Death Connection: While touching a corpse that died recently, you can mark a Stress to extract one memory related to a specific emotion or sensation.