


Those who acquire their magical power through years of study are known as wizards. Whether through an institution or individual study, wizards use a variety of tools—including books, scrolls, or ancient tablets—to hone their craft. Often, wizards will dedicate their life to the mastery of a particular school of magic, while others will attempt to learn from a wide variety of disciplines. Many wizards go on to become wise and powerful figures in their communities, advising rulers, providing medicines and healing, and even leading war councils. While all members of this class work toward the common goal of collecting magical knowledge, it is very often that wizards have the most conflict within their own ranks; as the acquisition, keeping, and sharing of powerful secrets is a topic of intense debate that has resulted in thousands upon thousands of deaths.

Class Features

Wizard's Hope

Spend three Hope instead of marking your last Hit Point.


You can perform harmless, subtle magical effects at will. For example, you might change an object’s color, create a smell, light a candle, cause a tiny object to float, illuminate a room, or repair a small object.

Strange Patterns

Choose a number between 1 and 12. Whenever you roll that number on a Duality die, gain a Hope or clear a Stress. You can change this number when you finish a long rest.


School of Knowledge

Play the School of Knowledge if you want to have incredible knowledge of the magical world around you.

School of Knowledge


Spellcast: Knowledge

You’ve gained priceless knowledge through great study. You have advantage on all Knowledge Rolls to recall information. If this roll is about the magical nature of a creature or enchantment, gain a Hope even on a roll with Fear.

Adept: You can mark a Stress instead of spending a Hope to use an Experience on a roll. If you do, double the Experience modifier for that roll.


School of Knowledge


When you take this Specialization, you may change an existing Experience you have, then add +1 to one of your Experiences.

Once per short rest, when recalling a Domain card in your vault, you can reduce its Recall Cost by 1.


School of Knowledge


When you take this Mastery, choose two Experiences and add +1 to each of them.

Whenever you wish to use an Experience, roll a d6. On a result of 5 or 6, you can do so without spending a Hope.


School of War

Play the School of War if you want to be trained to use magic as a means of violence.

School of War


Spellcast: Knowledge

You’ve focused your studies on shaping magic in dangerous and powerful ways. Gain an extra armor slot.

When you succeed on an Attack Roll with Fear, you deal an extra 1d10 magic damage.


School of War


You can concentrate to maintain a protective barrier of magic. While you have at least 2 Hope, you can add your proficiency to your Evasion.

Additionally, the extra magic damage from your School of War Foundation feature increases to 2d10.


School of War


When you succeed on an attack roll with Hope, you can choose to make it with Fear instead.

The extra magic damage from your School of War Foundation feature increases to 3d10.


Class Items

A Book You’re Trying to Translate OR A Tiny and Harmless Elemental Pet

Background Questions

Answer the following background questions or make your own.

  • What did your community once count on you for? How did you let them down?

  • You’ve spent your life searching for an object or book of great significance. What is it and why is it so important to you?

  • You have a powerful rival. Who are they, and why are you so determined to be their end?


  • What favor have I asked of you that you’re not sure you can fulfill?

  • What weird hobby or strange fascination do we both share?

  • What secret about yourself have you entrusted with only me?

Level Up Options

Levels 2-4 | Tier 2

At level 2, take an additional Experience and increase your Proficiency by +1.

Choose two available options from the list below and mark them.

Then increase your Severe Damage Threshold by +2 and choose new Domain Deck card at your Level or lower.

Levels 5-7 | Tier 3

At Level 5, take an additional Experience and clear all marks on Character Traits. Then increase your Proficiency by +1

Choose two from the list below or any unmarked from the previous tier and mark them.

  • Increase two unmarked Character Traits by +1 and mark them.
  • Permanently add one Hit Point Slot.
  • Permanently add one Stress Slot.
  • Increase two Experiences by +1.
  • Choose and additional domain card at your level or lower (up to Level 7).
  • Permanently add two Armor Slots or add +1 to your Evasion.
  • Increase your Major Damage Threshold by +1.
  • Increase your Severe Damage Threshold by +2.
  • Take an upgraded subclass card. Then cross out the multiclass option for this tier.
  • Increase your Proficiency by +1.
  • Multiclass: Choose an additional class for your character, then cross out an unused “Take an upgraded subclass card” and the other multiclass option on this sheet.

Increase your Damage Thresholds: Major by +1 and Severe by +3. Then choose a new Domain Deck card at your Level or lower.

Level 8-10 | Tier 4

At Level 8, take an additional Experience and clear all marks on Character Traits. Then increase your Proficiency by +1

Choose two from the list below or any unmarked from the previous tier and mark them.

Increase your Damage Thresholds: Major by +1 and Severe by +3. Then choose a new Domain Deck card at your Level or lower.