Becoming a druid is more than an occupation, it’s a calling to those who wish to learn from and protect the magic of the wilderness. Those druids who practice the often quiet work of channeling flora are likely to be underestimated; while those who channel the brutal forces of animals may be a terrifying thing to behold. Druids are known to cultivate their abilities in small groups, often connected by a specific ethos or locale. Through years of study and dedication, druids can learn to transform into beasts and shape the earth and all its organisms.
Class Features
Druid's Hope
Spend three Hope while in Beastform to increase your damage thresholds by +3 until you drop the form.
You can perform harmless, subtle effects that involve nature at will. (Ex: causing a flower to rapidly grow, summon a slight gust of wind, start a campfire, etc.)
Mark a Stress to transform into a magical creature of your level or lower from the Beastform list. While transformed, you can’t use your weapons or cast any spells, but you gain the features, attack trait, and evasion bonus of the creature. You can drop out of this form at any time. When in Beastform, your armor becomes part of your body and you mark armor slots as usual; when you drop out of Beastform, those marked armor slots remain marked.
If you mark your last Hit Point or Stress, this form automatically drops.
Warden of Renewal
Play the Warden of Renewal if you want to use powerful magic to heal your party members.
Warden of Renewal
Spellcast: Instinct
Clarity of Nature: Once per long rest, you may create a space of natural serenity around you. After spending a few minutes resting within the space, you can clear Stress equal to your Instinct trait, distributed as you choose between you and your allies.
Regeneration: Use an action and spend 3 Hope to clear 1d4 Hit Points on a creature you are touching.
Warden of Renewal
You can now use Regeneration on a creature within Very Close range, instead of touch.
Warden’s Protection: Once per long rest, you can use an action to magically repair armor outside of downtime. When you do, you or one ally in your Close Range can clear a number of Armor Slots equal to your Instinct.
Warden of Renewal
Your animal transformation embodies a healing guardian spirit. While you are in Beastform, when an ally within Close Range marks 2 or more Hit Points, you can mark a Stress to reduce the amount of Hit Points they mark by 1.
Warden of the Elements
Play the Warden of the Elements if you want to embody the natural elements of nature.
Warden of the Elements
Spellcast: Instinct
Elemental Incarnation: Mark a Stress to embody an elemental spirit from the list below. The embodiment lasts until you take Severe damage or until your next short rest. This feature can overlap with Beastform.
- Fire: When an enemy in melee range deals damage to you, they take 1d10 magical damage.
- Earth: You gain +1 to your Armor Score.
- Water: When you deal damage to an enemy in Melee range, all other enemies within Very Close range mark a Stress.
- Air: You can hover, gaining advantage on Agility rolls.
Warden of the Elements
Once per short rest, while in Elemental Incarnation, you can assume an elemental aura matching your embodied element. The aura’ effects apply within your Close Range, following you until Elemental Incarnation ends.
- Fire: Whenever an enemy marks at least 1 Hit Point, they also mark a Stress.
- Earth: Your allies gain +1 to their Armor Score.
- Water: After an enemy deals damage to you, you can mark a Stress to move them anywhere within Very Close range.
- Air: When you or an ally take damage from an attack beyond Melee range, reduce it by 1d8.
Warden of the Elements
While in your Elemental Incarnation, you further embody the spirit and gain the following benefit for that element:
- Fire: Your Proficiency increases by +1 for attacks and spells that deal damage.
- Earth: When you mark an Armor Slot, roll 1d6. On a roll of 5 or 6, clear an Armor Slot.
- Water: When you are hit by an attack, you can mark a Stress to make the attacker Vulnerable.
- Air: You gain +1 Evasion and can fly.
Class Items
A Small Bag of Rocks and Bones OR A Strange Pendant Found in the Dirt
Background Questions
Answer the following background questions or make your own.
Why was the community you grew up in so reliant on nature and its creatures?
What was the first bond you made with a wild animal? Why did it end?
Who had been trying to hunt you down? What do you think they want from you?
What did you confess to me that makes me leap out into danger for you every time?
What animal do I tell you that you remind me of?
What affectionate nickname have you given me?
Level Up Options
When you use Beastform, choose a creature category of your level or lower. At your GM’s discretion, you can describe yourself as transforming into any animal that reasonably fits into that category. Though you can’t use your equipment or spells while transformed, you can still use other features or abilities your character has access to (such as using your Wildtouch class feature).
The Beastform list divides the creature categories by level. Each entry includes the following details, as seen in the Agile Scout example:
Creature Category. Each category’s name describes the common role or behavior of creatures in that category (such as “Agile Scout”). This name is followed by a few examples of animals that fit in that category (such as fox, mouse, and weasel).
Character Trait. While transformed, add the listed trait bonus to your relevant trait. For example, when transformed into an Agile Scout, you add +1 to your Agility. When this form drops, you lose this bonus.
Attack Rolls. When you want to make an attack while transformed, you use the listed range, trait, and damage dice. For example, as an Agile Scout you can attack a target in melee using your Agility. On a success, you deal d4 physical damage using your Proficiency.
Evasion. While transformed, add the listed Evasion bonus to your normal Evasion score. For example, if your Evasion is usually 8, and your new form says “Evasion: +2,” your Evasion becomes 10 while you’re in that form.
Advantages. When you make an action or reaction roll related to one of the verbs listed for that form, your form makes you especially good at that, so the GM will usually give you an advantage on that roll. For example, an Agile Scout gains advantage on rolls made to sneak around, search for objects or creatures, dodge hazards, and related activities.
Features. Each form includes a couple unique features. For example, an Agile Scout excels at silent, agile movement—but they’re also fragile, making you drop out of Beastform faster.
List of available beastforms