
Primal Origin

Primal Origin

Primal Origin


Spellcast: Instinct

Your primal origin allows you to modify the essence of magic itself. When you cast a spell or use a weapon that deals magic damage, you can mark a Stress to do one of the following:

  • Extend its reach by one range.
  • Add +2 to the action roll result.
  • Reroll any number of Damage Dice.
  • Hit an additional target within range.


Primal Origin


You can enhance the magical practices of others with your essence. When you Help an Ally on a Spellcast Roll, the advantage die you roll is a d8 instead of a d6. After you help them make their Spellcast Roll, once per long rest, you can swap the values of their Duality dice.


Primal Origin


You can gather magical energy to enhance your capability. You may become charge after taking magic damage, or when you spend 2 Hope to become charged. When you successfully cast a spell while charged, you can spend your charge to temporarily increase either that spell’s Damage Proficiency by +1 or its Reaction Roll Difficulty by +3.

You stop being charged when you finish a long rest.
